
The A Team

The A Team is a cohort of students that receive nurture-based provision. The aim of this focused intervention strategy is to provide support and guidance in a safe, and structured environment. A number of resources are designed to bridge the gap between home and school and aim to enable full access to the curriculum. Students are carefully selected according to their individual holistic profile of needs, identified using a dynamic assessment model, visits to the child in their primary school, as well as conversations with families and previous settings. A variety of tailored experiences, opportunities and resources are then employed to address these needs within a culture of trust, understanding and knowledge. 

Learning support takes place both in the classroom alongside the students and through targeted intervention usually delivered in one of our nurture classrooms. Designed to offer a safe and structured learning environment, the nurture classrooms are the base for a wide range of intervention for all students including: High Achieving Pupils, students with SEN, struggling readers and the A Team.

The nurture classrooms are also available at lunchtimes for students who may benefit from this environment at less structured times of the day. 

Please click on the following links for details of the A Team Curriculum:


I feel valued as a member of staff. I like the fact the school has a clear vision, a vision that I feel a part of.

Current member of teaching staff


Every single person who works at the school contributes to who I am. It truly is a special place where we are all one big family.

Current Y11 student


The Harleston Sancroft Academy has evolved to where it is now with dignity, strength and kindness.

Current parent of Y10 student
