Key Information

GCSE Preferences

This is an exciting time for students as they progress through school toward future pathways. GCSE Preferences are an important process in this journey.

For many students, this is the first time they will be asked to make a decision about their education. It is vital that students consider their GCSE preferences carefully.

For reference, click to download the Sancroft GCSE Preferences booklet.

Click below to access the GCSE Preferences Online Form. Please note: students must be logged into their Google Account for the form to work.

The timeline for your GCSE Preferences 2024 look like this:

  • Year 9 Parents Evening: 15 February 2024
  • GCSE Preference event: Thursday 7 March 2024 (click to download Slides)
  • Online GCSE Preference form completed: 22 March 2024
  • Agreed Preferences confirmed by letter: Summer term

I feel valued as a member of staff. I like the fact the school has a clear vision, a vision that I feel a part of.

Current member of teaching staff


Every single person who works at the school contributes to who I am. It truly is a special place where we are all one big family.

Current Y11 student


The Harleston Sancroft Academy has evolved to where it is now with dignity, strength and kindness.

Current parent of Y10 student
